National Museum of Contemporary History

Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije

On the fringe of the Tivoli Park in Ljubljana stands a unique Baroque building of the Cekin Castle – the home of the National Museum of Contemporary History since 1951. The history of the castle was strongly marked by its interesting former inhabitants, from the Italian viceroy Eugen Euharnais to the first beer-brewing family Kozler. Today the castle houses the National Museum of Contemporary History, together with its permanent exhibition called “Slovenians in the 20th century” and numerous temporary exhibitions.

The Museum preserves, studies and presents the material and immaterial heritage of the Slovenian ethnical region from the beginning of the 20th century to present days. It preserves collections of material dating from the First and Second World War, material from the period between the two wars and material from the period of socialism and the birth of the new state. Its collections consist of museum objects, archive and library material, art works and photographs; new items are being constantly added.

Keywords: #MuzejNZS

Other venues

Exhibitions and events

Slovenians in the 20th Century

Permanent exhibition

The National Museum of Contemporary History in Ljubljana opened its permanent exhibition called “Slovenians in the 20th Century” in 1996, after several years of professional...

Slovenci v XX. stoletju

Permanent exhibition

V Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije smo leta 1996 po nekajletnih strokovnih pripravah odprli stalno razstavo Slovenci v XX. stoletju. V osmih dvoranah (462,7 m² razstavne...

Educational programs



ROJSTNODNEVNE ZABAVE ZA OTROKE V MUZEJU Odličen in zabaven način praznovanja Rojstni dan je poseben dogodek, ki se zapiše v osebno zgodovino vsakega slavljenca. Pri praznovanju in ujetju teh...


14. 10. 2010

Zbirka Edija Šelhausa v Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije

National Museum of Contemporary History

V Muzeju novejše zgodovine Slovenije že nekaj desetletij hranimo 2.026 originalnih Šelhausovih črno-belih negativov iz 2. svetovne vojne in...

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